Being water baptized is your best Next Step after salvation. Water baptism is a public declaration of faith showing others that you have started following Jesus and surrendered your life to Him.
Groups are all about sharing a meal, praying for one another and having conversation about the Word together. Most of our Groups meet during Fall and Spring semesters. Let's follow Jesus together!
At Overflow we believe in building community and one of the best ways to do that is to join a volunteer team. We have many teams to serve on from worship and media, first impressions, and Overflow Kids, there’s a place for everyone at Overflow to serve.
Deeper Track
Ready to put a ring on it and become a member of Overflow Church? By going through the Deeper Track you will have an opportunity to meet with others while learning about what we believe, who we are, and how to get connected at Overflow.
Child dedications
At Overflow we know in order the grow the Kingdom we must invest in the next generation. That begins in our homes with our own children. During Child Dedications you commit to raising your child/children in the house of the Lord and raising them in the ways of Jesus’ teaching.